Searcher Thinker Singer Songwriter...Blogger?

The time has come…I’m adding a blog to my website, well, added if you’re reading this.  It’s a funny thing, blogs and me, as I’ve attempted to start them before but could never gain any traction.  Each previous attempt has fizzled, sinking deep into the mire of lost web content--all those thoughts and emotions gone forever--not just from me, but from the millions of others who thought they’d give blogging a go only to relent when they failed to achieve any reasonable semblance of readership.

This time is different though. For starters, this blog wasn’t really my idea, at least not at first.  The blog was suggested to me as being a good driver of web traffic, for giving fans something more to find on my website, and for aiding in search engine optimization; all of the above really.  It took me a while to warm to the notion, after all, I’m still working full-time at a software job while trying to promote a record and build a music career, so I’m not exactly flush with extra time.

A simple yet soulful blog


Still, after a few days of consideration I began to remember how I use to long for a successful blog as a creative outlet.  Back then I had no aspirations to do music full-time (then again, one year ago today I had no such aspirations…wow, a lot has changed), but in thinking it over it occurred to me that a blog could be a very cool thing, for all those old reasons plus a few new ones (no, not thinking search engine optimization here).

This year has been witness to tremendous changes in my life, by the time January 2015 arrived I’d decided that I needed to make a record and that I wanted it to happen by spring.  I had no idea how this was done, which is why the release of A Good American Life was something of a non-release, truth be told I pretty much missed the boat there, I simply didn’t know any better. That said, the album itself is pretty cool, at least I think so.  I feel it represents the songs well and accurately captures what was happening inside Mackinaw Harvest studio that cold, blustery Grand Rapids winter.  A group of talented people tracked the album in just a few days, live, for the most part.  I suppose that’s why they call it a record: it’s the record of an event, the event of people playing music in a room (FYI, that’s an Ani DiFranco lyric, not looking to plagiarize anything in this my first blog post).

Remembering the road less traveled

If there's a point to this yarn, it's that this year has been like drinking from the fire hose for me, as the music industry is complex and guidance is something I have not had much of.  It occurred to me that had I started a blog at the beginning of the year it could be serving as an interesting metric as to how much I’ve actually learned throughout this process, that would be helpful since I regularly find myself in thought regarding how little I truly know about this industry.  Additionally, so much has happened so fast that I’m surely forgetting lots of the good stuff…a blog would help there too, right?  There are lots of other reasons as well, but it’s late and I’ve spent the whole evening working on music related stuff again, and not the good kind like writing it or playing it.  And so…here it is…once again, I boldly blog, for all the aforementioned reasons…and if those aren’t enough there’s always search engine optimization.

Americana Singer Songwriter Ed Dupas’ lived-in melodies unwind with reflective lyrics that speak to the current state of the human condition. Soothing where possible, agitating where necessary, and calling for change where appropriate. Ed Dupas creates and shares well worn wide awake music.

For more information about music, shows, merchandise and Ed, visit: